Friday, January 20, 2006

Låta oss gå till Sverige!

Further to the quandry I posted about the other day, I've decided to say yes to the Sweden thing. I will fly out on Monday, initially for 4 days.

One of my colleagues has asked me to fix him up with some "Swedish totty" - whilst most Swedes speak excellent English, I'm not sure they will understand him, him being a Geordie...

Anyway, it's currently minus 12-15 degrees Celsius in Stockholm, with more snow predicted. Best stock up on my thermal underwear...


  1. Cool. My blogroll gets more and more international as time goes by :)

  2. Anonymous11:35 am

    sweden rocks.

    Can I come visit you there? :) pwetty pwease?

  3. Congrats to you. I don't envy you the cold part, but everything else sounds awesome!

  4. I'm glad you've decided to give it a whirl. And Swedish men are generally fit, aren't they, so maybe "accidentally" lose your engagement ring when you're out there....!!!! (temporarily of course)

  5. Unfortunately you're wrong, LB! Lots of very pretty Swedish girls, didn't spot a single fit Swedish bloke!
