Monday, December 26, 2005

Bless Me!

Well I hope everyone is having a wonderfully festive time!

Me, I can't stop sneezing, my nose keeps running and I need to keep warm or I start feeling ill. My cold which has been on and off over the past month or so has come back with a vengeance, threatening to spoil my holiday. I won't let it...

Anyway, whilst I'm here, thought I'd list the major presents I got:

24: DVD Series 1
24: DVD Series 2
24: DVD Series 3 (so this is 72 hours of my life I've accounted for already next year...)
Lord of the Rings Tactics PSP game
Paul Smith perfume
Cracking the Da Vinci Code calendar
A set of beers from the world (namely, Spain, Italy, Belgium and India)
Hot water bottle (has come in handy already!)
2 x sporty cardigans
1 x work cardigan
1 x sporty top
1 x smart top for work

Determined not to let my cold spoil things, me and little sis braved the Boxing Day sales today - we were in Manchester city centre before 10am and it was a successful trip: came away with a new coat (to replace the one stolen), a pair of smart boots, a filofax and a t-shirt. Oh and a Darth Vader money box.

Had a nice little lunch in Chinatown but when I got home, went straight to bed for a kip.


  1. I got a Darth Vader vioce changing helmet thing, actually.

    wonder how pleased Vader is his image is being used for shoddy Xmas gifts?

  2. That is a lot of Keifer-ness. Nice!
