Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas in a galaxy far far away...

Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are having an emotional confrontation at the bottom of Cloud City on Bespin.

Luke: No, no it's not true.
Darth: It is, you know it is.
Luke: No, it can't be!
Darth: It is, I know what you're getting for Christmas.
Luke: NO! How could you know?
Darth: ... I have felt your presents...

An old one but I always have to chuckle at this one!


  1. Anonymous12:10 pm

    never heard that one before, very funny!

  2. hey thanks for the comment on the Arctic Monkeys post i made on my blog. Great blog you have here. Even though you are Scouse :-( United Man Here! :D

  3. Can you believe that I've never heard that either? Funny!

  4. Just sending out a Merry Christmas to all my blog friends.


    Merry Christmas
