Wednesday, March 05, 2014

#100 Happy Days - Day 15 and Day 16

100 Happy Days - Day 15: Came across this story yesterday  - not a topic that people (even women) generally talk about, but this story has to be read.

So heartening to see that some people are not in it for money or fame but for the betterment of others.

Shocking that some poor women are still living in the Dark Ages in some countries. Bravo that man who has given freedom (and jobs) to so many women in his country.

100 Happy Days - Day 16 - My usual quick and easy pasta dish, which does look a bit like chow mein but isn't!

I've used mostly low carb spaghetti, bit of lean steak mince, mushrooms, red peppers, onions and celery and a puttanesca sauce with extra garlic - yummy!

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