Monday, December 08, 2008

And all that Jazz...

So, it was our departmental Christmas bash, again at Tatton Park - the theme this year was Mississippi Mardi Gras.

As the whole department has been pretty much decimated due to redundancies, there were only a dozen of us this time, of which three people were ex-employees. There were no senior managers in attendance so we had to get our own wine for the table - bummer! One girl turned up quite unexpectedly - she's been off 'sick' for the last three months - funny how she miraculously recovered that night of all nights...hmmm.

Anyway, I'm not into jazz at all so some of the live music was a bit meh but the costumes and settings all looked good and the DJ played some good tunes later on.

It was an enjoyable night - good food, good wine, good company and I was in mega-heels but managed to stay in them all night AND dance in them - ace!

There was no gossip this year - one of the antagonists from last year didn't go - his wife put her foot down, ahem...

JH swears she wasn't drunk but how else do you explain the fact that the only part of her mobile phone that she had in her bag by the end of the night was the battery...yep, casing and sim card were...elsewhere!

The party continued for a bit longer back at the hotel until 3am - I'd had enough alcohol by then, had to stop before things got messy...

Was like a total zombie when I woke up later that morning feeling like I hadn't slept at all. Tried to soak up the hangover with a greasy breakfast - it didn't really work. Drove home slowly, knowing I was still over the limit.

But that's not all. Not only did I have virtually no voice, look and feel pretty dreadful...but I had a date!

Yeah, one of them! No, I don't often talk about these social outings of mine in any detail (if at all) but I wanted to mention that in my current state of dizziness, I got my weekends mixed up...what a dope!

Did I blow it? Hmm..not sure yet but it was a pleasant outing and passed surprisingly quickly.

I so need an early night.

Another party on Friday - can my body survive another attack??


  1. Anonymous1:21 pm

    Oooh a date. I hope (s)he is worthy? I won't have any Tom, Dick or Harriet dating MY Weenie! haha only teasing. I hope you had a great time.

    We don't have parties like that at the Uni. They are always very staid affairs.

  2. I hope (s)he is worthy?

    Lol - it was a he!
