Friday, August 22, 2008


No, not the Marvel comic superhero, recently played by Robert Downey Junior in the hit movie.
The Ironman event is a triathlon but one which surpasses all Olympic proportions.
First, a 2.4 mile open water swim.
Next, 112 miles on the bike.
Finishing with a full marathon run of 26.2 miles and after this, you surely will be finished!
Competitors are allowed a maximum time of 17 hours to complete the race. My colleague PA is hoping to complete it in around 14 hours.
He's been training all year for it and will be raising a lot of money for charity - I wish him the best of luck when it takes place on 7th Sept, the nutter!
The maximum permitted time is 17hours, I will be aiming for a time of 14 hours, but will be glad to just finish, in one piece!

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