Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Lost in Translation

Today, I was copied in on an email to one of my contacts but the mail was in German. Unable to understand what the message said, I logged into Babel Fish Translation . The resulting translation wasn't perfect, but at least I got the giste of what the message was saying.

I then got thinking about how messages can get 'lost' when translated many times so I typed in the phrase "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" (a sentence which incidentally uses all the letters of the alphabet)

Translated into German:
Der schnelle braune Fuchs sprang über den faulen Hund

This was then translated from German into French:
Le renard brun rapide a sauté sur le chien putréfié

Then translated from French into Italian:
La volpe marrone rapida ha saltato sul cane putrefatto

Then translated back into English to get:
The fast vixen brown has jumped on the putrefatto dog

Ok...dunno what 'putrefatto' means but I suppose you get the giste...

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to ase "putrefatto" in something. That's funny. I happened to be using Babel today to translate a blog from French Polynesian to English and "about" was translated to as "butt."
