Wednesday, November 24, 2004

My Sister's Amazing Week...

Just had to post my sister's amazing week:

Saturday: Flew out to Hong Kong from Manchester
Sunday: Delayed in Switzerland
Monday: Arrived in Hong Kong
Tuesday: Met up with recruitment agency
Wednesday: Hot date with guy she's been emailing
Thursday: Job interview
Friday: Second hot date with guy she's been emailing
Saturday: Beach BBQ, then realised that she forgot her flight home was on Friday... paid extra £500 for one way ticket
Sunday: Arrived back in Manchester

Yesterday, she got a call - SHE GOT THE JOB and they're flying her out to HK all expenses paid next week!

Not taking any chances with all this luck she's having, I asked her to give me six numbers to put on the this space (I hope!) :D


  1. good luck! :) (found you through blogexplosion, btw)

  2. How exciting! I want to be a jet-setter, too... pout.
