Oh nooo! Only two more days til my first ever school reunion and I'm kinda looking forward to seeing old faces, but also not, in a way..... At least I'm now not going on my own; the boyfriend is going now that he's heard that MR and Andy are going. MR has more doubts than me - she still lives in the same place and sees some of the people and still there may be some animosity there (or just bad memories). Least if this reunion is all a bad mistake, I won't have to see them all again!
It'll be strange to see everyone again, some I thought I'd never ever see again, some I was glad to see the back of. Many I will have forgotten. Emma C who has organised it all - sounds like she's not changed much in character but wonder what she looks like now? Designer stuff, big nails, etc I reckon.
I'd be more interested in seeing which of the lads turn up; Russell B (dentist extraordinaire apparently) , Andy N, Matthew E...Stephen D - he used to be really fit, wonder if he still is? I remember a lot of girls fancying him (although I didn't).
Ali P - we used to be really good friends with her but lost touch when I was a uni - would be nice to see her again.
Everyone will be married with kids no doubt - I hope there'll be other stuff to talk about....
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