Hornbeam Tree ( Good Taste) - of cool beauty [but of course...I'm so modest!], cares for its looks and condition [hmmm, mebbe not so much my looks but I do like keeping fit], good taste [I'd say not bad], is not egoistic [deffo not], makes life as comfortable as possible [yes], leads a reasonable and disciplined life [yes], looks for kindness and acknowledgment in an emotional partner [yes], dreams of unusual lovers [ooh, I must start remembering my dreams!], is seldom happy with its feelings [not sure about this one], mistrusts most people [if most people=strangers, then yes], is never sure of its decisions [yes], very conscientious [in my own way, yes].
The boyfriend fell from a Fig Tree:
Fig Tree (Sensibility) - very strong minded [yes], a bit self-willed [yes], honest [he better had be!], loyal [or else!], independent [xept when he wants a cuddle!], hates contradiction or arguments [yes, especially as I'm always right!], hard worker when wants to be [DEFINITELY!], loves life and friends [yes], enjoys children and animals [animals yes, children...don't know...], few sexual relationships [yes], great sense of humour [yes, but always laffing at me!], has artistic talent [kinda] and great intelligence [yes, except when he's being stubborn and annoying! Then he's not being too clever!]
All in all, more accurate than not!
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