Ok, my Star Wars Miniature game was supposedly posted out on 30th September but it didn't arrive over the weekend. The boyfriend phoned me this afternoon; said he'd popped out into the garden to find a soggy parcel at the back gate....
The crappy postman/woman had lobbed my parcel over a six-foot gate that was locked, left it in the rain and didn't bother to pop a card through the front door to say there was a parcel at the back! HOW LONG HAD IT BEEN THERE???? Hope not all weekend! :(
Tentatively opened it up - the box was crushed from the fall and a bit damp, but goods inside otherwise undamaged, but it's the principle of the matter! Royal Mail and its staff are shite these days and not getting any better!
But my game! WOO HOO! :D Of course, I bought it with me playing the Rebel Alliance in mind, so I have Luke Skywalker, Chewie, a useless but cute R2D2, plus a few others. All miniature characters are well sculpted and painted. The bf will play the baddies, ie Empire of course (!) so he's got Darth Vader and a bunch of Storm Troopers.
After having some healthy homemade veggie soup, we settled down to our first game. It was obvious from the start that my weak little rebels were going to fall like flies...
Still, I soldiered on until it was just Luke and his sidekick R2D2 against his Daddy and a stormtrooper. Once Luke had been cornered by Vader there was no chance, hence our first game ended with me losing, but hey, it was fun and we've not even read the rules properly!
The bf will be persuaded to get a booster pack, if only so that I can get some stronger characters and he some characters other than stormtroopers!
Am well chuffed with my buy! :D Need to read the rules properly though...
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