Thursday, September 30, 2004

Feeling a bit rubbish

Was ok this morning when I went into work but as the day progressed, I started to feel unwell. Couldn't stop sneezing, my nose was really running and by mid-afternoon, my eyes looked like I'd been crying non-stop for 10 hours! Felt cold too.

When I got home, went straight to bed, had a couple of hours kip then got up to make some soup. The boyfriend has had his hair cut and looks cute but I couldn't really appreciate it! He's also bought a new portable tv for the bedroom, again I haven't looked at it properly.

Chatted to Jostein about Quest on MSN and then went to bed.

Steps today - 2279 - I was too under the weather to do much walking round the office, and I've missed my gym session! :(

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